The Hackensack Brewery

While all Stonefielders strive to positively impact the communities in which we build, it is especially rewarding to aid in the growth of the more local community. Only miles from our Rutherford office, Hackensack Brewing will bring both award winning beers and a second micro-brewery to the city of its namesake. Hackensack Brewing contains a brewing area and a tasting room, making it an active destination for beer enthusiasts and locals alike. Stonefield’s contribution to the approval of this project was in providing a traffic assessment to supplement expert testimony to the planning board. We had to analyze how re-occupying a once industrial building with a more dynamic site would impact the surrounding roadway network, while also considering the implications of the site’s urban environment.

The approval and forthcoming success of a small business like this can often become the impetus for continued development within a city, making this project a perfect fit within the bigger vision of Hackensack’s redevelopment goals. At Stonefield, we are excited by opportunities to have a role in the revitalization of our favorite cities. We are also most delighted to know that what was just a few days of hard work at our office will supply years and years of delicious brews to the North Jersey community – and fear not, we will undoubtedly be sharing in the enjoyment of said refreshments, right there with them.

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